Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!!

Just wanna say, have a spooky night and enjoy your Halloween!! :D
Link to my dA: [here]

Friday, October 21, 2011

Feathery Dress

I have an idea of an Angel wearing a dress that can make her fly (instead of them having wings attached to their bodies...) So here it is... Enjoy! Yay today is Friday!! End of the week again... Sometimes I wonder how time goes so fast... :(

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We Love Swinging!

This is a picture of me and my little sister, swinging (as a kid of course)... She used to be so small, now she's taller than me! xP I'm like her little sister now...haha...

Hope you like it! Have a nice Tuesday everyone!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Farewell Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

An art I made for a visionary, innovator, and inventor... May I add 1 more? Inspirational man...

Farewell Steve Jobs, you will always shine and be remembered...

This definitely will change how I look at my iPhone now... Rest in Peace, Steve...

Friday, September 30, 2011

(#5) ToNight's Tune is... Say You Love Me...

So this is my another favorite song and I just thought I'd share it because it's so relaxing especially at nighttime (I need to relax a bit :P)...

Enjoy your weekend!!! It's Friday night!! WOOT WOOT! :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Found a Bird Nest!

This week I found a bird's nest outside my house, with 5 cute little bird inside it... They are lovely and cute, and just started to grow feathers, they're veryyy small and tender, I think they would crushed as easy as I break a toothpick... Although, no, I had (of course) no intentions to hurt them, I'm an animal lover, especially birds... :)

These many years I've been now and then encounter a birdie, fell to the ground just outside my house, they fell from their nest, or sometimes they fell when they tried to fly... Yeah they learn to fly on their own, it's amazing!

Anyway, so, the last time I encounter a birdie, it fell from the nest- maybe the nest is located on top of the roof of my house, maybe, I don't know coz I don't see a nest nearby- it was starving because apparently the parents were not brave enough to come down and feed their kiddo... I stormed back to the house, fetch a little amount of rice, and feed the birdie... At first she refused, but then as I wait and wait, finally she gave up and eat it straight from my hand (yay!!). And her parents stood by on the roof, watching their kid fed (and maybe hoping that I won't hurt their child). A few days came along and the birdie started to learn to fly on her own, and one day, poof! she fled! :)

Ok, so this week I encounter a WHOLE NEST... There are 5 kids inside the nest... And, it sits atop my condenser of AC outside my house... apparently, their parents make the nest on the top of the tree then it fell down, so my father then put it in a safer place... They like it there, I think... Because the condenser tend to be warm especially when I turn my aircon on... And also, I think, they like to build the nest outside my house because they found many foods scattered on the grounds. I always threw away the rice, corns, and nuts my hamster won't eat every single day on the ground (my hamsters are very picky of the food, they only want to eat pellets, bread, and sunflower seeds, apart from that, no) so it's easier for them to find food.

Today I throw crumbs of biscuits because the birdies are finally out of the nest!!! They started to learn to fly, for a short distance though, it's heartwarming to see them learning to fly, from my sugar apple tree, to the mango tree, back and forth, resting in the process.. One of the birdie is still too young to fly apparently. She tried to follow her brothers and sisters but ultimately fail. So she just stay on the grounds, watching the others flutter happily. Don't worry though little kiddo, you'll fly in no time...

Here's the picture of the nest, the quality of the picture is poor, because, again, this time I used my iPhone... And some are using my sister's SLR for greater definition of the birds (hihi)...

maybe you can see the little birdie opens his mouth... AAAaa! :P

Those cute little eyes!! Now its my turn to scream... Aaaa!CUTE!

Aaaa!!Mommy this girl takes so many photos of me! Tell her to pay me some royalties!;P
Aren't they cute? Anyway, have a pleasant Sunday everyone! God bless... ^__^

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My First Comic in Years...

I drew this right after I went home from Sunday evening Church... Yes my mind did/do wander at times,  especially when I go to Church without bother to fill my stomach. I usually think that my guardian Angel would warn me when I don't pay attention... :) I hoped it's amusing enough for you to smile... hehe...

Oh, I'm sorry for the quality of the picture (I photographed it using my iPhone, and well, for those who've used iPhone, you'll understand...), and also the arrows... Well, it's my first comic anyway... :P (excluding my high school comic art for the Bible competition...)

Available on my dA: [[link]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Night's Drawing

So this is what I did last night when I cannot seem to shut my mind... Experimenting with a little Photoshop... Yep, it's rough, and I'm working on it, to make a better digital drawing of course... This is my second attempt, and I'm using Photoshop this time... :) The Furball Fire Kitty (should've called it 'kitty' instead of 'cat' but, well, it doesn't make any difference at all does it? xD).

Link to my deviantArt: [link]

Have a nice Weekend everyone!! (I cannot celebrate anyway, I've got my thesis going on, and now I have to start all over again because apparently my last project's material was, well, not available. SO, starting all over again has started to exhaust me)

Oh, and anyway, I saw Captain America today!!! It is a good movie, but nothing compares... I repeat, NOTHING compares to X-Men: First Class... Still the most stunning movie I've seen this year... Followed close by KungFu Panda 2...

P.S: Chris Evans is cute by the way... ;D

Monday, August 22, 2011

My First Digital Drawing

This is my first digital drawing, made in approx. 8 hours... (Phew!) Don't laugh at me please, I'm new in this kind of art... And don't blame the simplicity of the drawing. :P What I don't understand is how to make the lines smoother... (I hate the way my hand tremble while making the circles :( ), I understand this needs a lot of practice... Hope next time I'll make a better one! :D

Also available on my dA: [link]

Friday, August 19, 2011

(#4) Tonight's Tune is...

Told ya I would be here posting Tonight's Tune (again)... :P

Okay, so tonight I was a little melancholy, and my mind often wanders off to some nostalgic memories in junior high... And this song, this song is actually released when I was in primary school, but, well, I don't have the song up until they introduced MP3 format sounds, and me, understand on how to open the internet thanks to my junior high computer teacher and the internet extracurricullum every Monday afternoon, finally I understand how to make my own e-mail, and eventually, Friendster account (yup, guys, Friendster was a phenomenon by then, wayyy longgg before Zuckerberg invented Facebook). And then I finally discover this song when I was searching on the internet... It's my favorite song ever since I was in primary school btw...


Have a nice evening everyone! ^__^

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Woman In Black

Daniel Radcliffe finally made his first debut after Harry Potter saga is at an end. In this post I just wanna give you the glimpse of Dan in his first post-Potter film. This film tells about a young lawyer visiting a remote village in order to file a recently deceased client's papers, where he then discovers the ghost of a woman.

I like the trailer, although it's creepy and definitely NOT my kind of movie (I've terrible nightmares after watching a horror genre film). Love the art and the atmosphere, it suited the theme of the film well. Also I think it's very interesting to see how Dan performs other role, to see if he can remove his Potter image which of course stick with him ever since The Sorcerer's Stone take flight. Enjoy the trailer! Be warned: it's a bit scary and disturbing...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Barney Stinson's 'Dictionary'...

So, I like this particular TV show, which is called How I Met Your Mother...
Maybe some of you know it.

Maybe not...

Anyway, this show is interesting for me because of one particular character... Barney Stinson... Have you heard of him? Well, he's kind of a ladies man, slept with many girls, and EXTREMELY narcissistic (<-- do I spell this right?). What I love about him is that he has a good humor (the TV show producers made his character to be seen that way obviously), throwing some of the witty ones to any of the characters in the show, and that he acts like doesn't care of what people might think of him, a happy-go-lucky and easygoing person as he is, he seemed 'never' get sad, although he caused so much trouble for the main character, Ted Mosby, his 'best friend' as quoted from him in the first premiere episodes.

SOooo, today is a fine day to go to Aksara bookstore @ eX Plaza, and while I was rummaging into shelves and more shelves of endless 'love themed' books, I stumbled upon this book here:

I was, like, "Okay, yeah, you know what? If Barney Stinson really exist in the world, he WILL someday gonna write a book", and there it stood in the shelf. The Playbook. Shiny and new.

At first I just cringe my head, but it's to good to pass, so then I took the book from the shelf and began reading.

The purpose is for fun of course, and it's obvious, you can see it clearly from the book cover (what can you expect from A Barney Stinson anyway?), with the first many pages dedicated to 'the usage of the book' etc etc.

And then, "This is sooo go into my blog!" (<-- This one is quoted from Barney, I didn't remember exactly of how he said it, but the essence is just the same)

Anyway, if you haven't seen the show, go and SEE it!!!!! It's a must watch TV show... :D

SO, that's all I want to share tonight... Thanks for reading... G'nite everyone!!

Barne-diction... :P

Monday, August 15, 2011

Yet Another Drawing Post: Li Syaoran

A drawing I made in high school... This is Li Syaoran, for those who are not follower or a Japanese Manga fan... He's a character from CLAMP's Cardcaptor Sakura and later on Tsubasa Chronicle. I always loved Syaoran and how he cared about Sakura... Anyway it doesn't show in this picture, he's rather fierce here actually. (the reason why I draw it... :P)

This one also linked back to my deviantArt page: [link]

Enjoy your Monday!! :D

Sunday, August 14, 2011

(#3) Tonight's Tune is...

Well, this is #3 time I posted a blog for Tonight's Tune... I probably will post many more Tonight's Tune for days to come... All songs I posted here are my favorites, of course... :)

Okay, here goes today's song:

Surprised, eh? Yup, this one is one of my favorite song from Placebo... Actually this is the first song from Placebo that I heard/seen on TV... I remembered then, this song was always played in one of my country's TV station in the morning before I go to school... Very nostalgic for me, of course... (Yes, I watched TV before I went to school :D)

Enjoy and Good Night... :D

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Laptop's Back!! :D and Tonight's Tune is.....

Okay here goes... My laptop's finally back!!! *happy mode on* :D

After two weeks of unknown, and growing anxiety over what might have happened to my data and stuff inside it (my photographs and documents, and songs of course), finally it is back! Even better now with Windows 7... Yippiiee! *throwing hands in the air*

Goodbye Vista! The notoriously failure product... :P *Sorry Bill (Gates)*

Anyway, I don't get a new laptop, and it's actually fine... I was... Content...

So, my laptop is broken since the day after I went home from my Singapore trip... Fortunately for me, I haven't transferred the photos from my digicam, or it might as well gone like the other data (which is a false assumption of mine since my data are completely fine and restored, thanks to my dad's friend as the brilliant technician).

Now I can resume my work, err... My final paper, I mean... :)

Here goes Tonight's Tune then:

Well, I think that this is one of the brilliant books ever written, and also one of my favorite films this year!! I just saw Jane Eyre yesterday with my sister, and we thought it to be stunningly beautiful!! The casts, the set, the director, and especially... The Music... After all, what is a movie without music? The music of a movie can effect of how the audiences feel, of horror, hatred, love, sadness, happiness, etc. Without the music, the film will left as is, no feelings, cold... Therefore, the composer is the one who is also important to a film. In this movie, the composer is one of my favorites, Dario Marianelli. He successfully captures the pain, sadness, horror, passion, heartbreak, and happiness of Jane Eyre, like the ones he had done with Pride and Prejudice and Atonement. This one is more of a lullaby to me, it is subtle. Jack Liebeck who plays the violin solo is also brilliant!

Have a nice night... :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Precious Moments: Pray and Praise The Lord Everyday! :D

Just posted another drawing. This one is a little religious. I am a Catholic, so I do this, well, if not, almost everyday. Yeah I admit I forgot sometimes so I made this picture as a reminder to pray each day, and praise the Lord every morning and evening before going to bed, because He's the only reason we got here, right now, the reason we are still here, breathing, doing things... :)

Have a Miraculous Monday everyone!!!
No, don't hate Monday please, because Monday is also the reason to wait for Saturday and Sunday right? :D

(Oh, what's with the Holly Berry she wears on top of her head? Well, actually, I did this drawing back before Xmas holiday in 2008, so, yeah the theme is Christmas Spirit! :) hehehe)

dA link: [here]

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Wolf...

Today's draw and scan is:

Check it also on my deviantArt: [here]
Enjoy the rest of the day!! :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ToNight's Tunes is...

It's night already here, and I would like to share a link to a music video I recently addicted to. :D

I particularly liked this song in her newest album 21, it's a little bit of a sad song, but I'm a melancholic girl, so, yeah, I listen to sad songs. Love the piano in this one! Love it Love it Love IT!! Go Adele!!She's brilliant!!
Anyway enjoy and good night everyone!

P.S.: Oh and I leave the lyrics under this video... :)

Adele - Turning Tables Lyrics
Close enough to start a war
All that I have is on the floor
God only knows what we're fighting for
All that I say, you always say more

I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me
No, I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
To turning tables

Under haunted skies I see you, ooh
Where love is lost, your ghost is found
I braved a hundred storms to leave you
As hard as you try, no I will never be knocked down

I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
Turning tables

Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own savior
When the thunder calls for me
Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own savior
Standing on my own two feet

I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
To turning tables

South Pole Penguins

Today I'm scanning one of my old drawings, South Pole Penguins.
I got the idea of drawing these cute penguins from a present given to me about 3 years ago by my aunt. It was one of the series in Hallmark's Keepsake Ornament 2007: South Pole Pals.

My favorite is the Angel one, because I love angels! ^_^

The Angel one is also the only one I drew that's very much similar to the real ornament, whereas the others, well, I improvised... :)

Here is my drawing, you can also find it on my DA: [here]

Have a wonderful Wednesday! :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today's Post of Nothing in Particular

Okay, the first news I got here is quite a surprise for Nolan's films addict (point to me), Batman Comic's fans, and Batman Movie's fans (me again). I got this news from my sister actually... This afternoon when I was in front of my computer playing those Facebook games (darn adddictive Facebook games xP), and she is also in front of her computer (I dunno what she was doing, maybe searching for some design pictures for her assignments)...

Behold, The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster!!

No Catwoman, no Bane, nothing. Just the plain old bat and the collapsed city (Wait, uh, collapsed? As in Inception's "The dream is collapsing"?). Anyway, I seem to recall The Dark Knight's teaser poster was Joker. 

Okay, news number two is about my iPhone. 
My last post was about my jammed iPhone. No, it's not fixed. Not yet. So today was the day that my iPhone's got 'medical treatment'... I hoped it gets better. The BAD news is, I won't be able to recover ALL of my data! Which means, all of my data is GONE... As in POOF! Vanished...

What do I miss? Well, a LOT actually. 

I lost my notes, lost all my pictures (the recent photos which I haven't got the chance to save to my computer), lost all my games, lost my Inception app (this is an important application, if you've downloaded it you'll understand why...), and lost my phonebook numbers... *sigh*

*sigh, then silent*

Nothing to say, just... B-A-D iPhone, I wish I put all my data somewhere else where I should not have to recover, or lost.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

iPhone's Bad Day :(

Yes, it jammed. This morning to be exact... I dunno what I do wrong, it just did. And whatever I do to turn it back on again, none succeeded... I've tried to remove my card, tried to unplug it from any source of electricity, and it just stood there in silent, screen is black. Nothing happened.

I started to search for my iPhone box for the manuals, you know, for answers to this problem. Well, I stumbled upon this paragraph:

"Keeping iPhone within Acceptable Temperatures: Operate iPhone in a place where the temperature is between 0 C and 35 C. Low-or high temperature condition might temporarily shorten battery life or cause iPhone to temporarily STOP WORKING PROPERLY."

Okay, so I plugged my iPhone for charging this morning, and it is working properly and fine, and the next minute, it switched off by itself (or jammed). When I try to switch it on by pressing the On/Off button on top of the thing, well, nothing happened... I started to panicked, then I umplugged it from the electric port (because it started to get hotter), and I tried to plug it on my computer... In a normal condition it will sync itself through my computer, but now, nothing. 

I think the problem happens caused by the temperature swing, the way it's described in the manual, because it's getting hotter when I unplug it... But, well, you never know, right?
Now that it cooled down, still nothing happened when I tried to turn it on... I wonder what happened to it... I got this iPhone last year (when I say last year, I meant it, I bought this iPhone from iBox, a reseller in my country in July 2010, and I haven't had any trouble with it before), and now just after the 1-year warranty is invalid, it started to throw tantrums like this... It's just weird... :(

Well, let's just hope that it will worked by tomorrow, because the manual didn't even say anything about how long it will stop working properly... *sigh*

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Hamster's Cute Kiddo ;D

Three weeks ago my hamster (as you may recall from my last post, was named Momoy and Papoy), finally gave birth to 8 little cute children! Well, Momoy did actually, Papoy is only involved in the 'making'... xD haha

Okayy so this is Momoy:

And this is Momoy when she's pregnant, eating some bread:

Here is the picture of one child after Momoy gave birth (see?the red one?):

And this is Momoy's only survived child... All 7 of them had died not long after their birth because apparently, Momoy didn't understand how to care and treat them... Momoy just sit on them all day (to warm them up actually) without feeding them...

Ain't he/she cute? Oh well, I don't have a name for it yet, because I still dunno whether this one would turn up a boy or a girl, yet, judging from the hyperactiveness, maybe it is a boy... :)

Here's other picture:

And here is him/her compared to her mother's size... Pretty small, huh? (oh, I haven't mention the age, Momoy's child is 3 weeks old now, almost 4 weeks)

I wanna touch him so badly, but then he's still in his mother's care and I don't want to intervene. If I touch him,  Momoy might think that he's not her child (by the unrecognizable smell from having touched by our hands) and eat him up! <:0

The 101 rule for post-birthing hamster:
1. DON'T touch the child, or they will eat it because they don't recognize the scent; 
2. PUT the hamster's cage in a dark place (I cover my hamster's cage with a newspaper); 
3. DON'T clean the cage although I know it becomes smelly after a few weeks, but keep it as the way it is until the child is all grown up and can find the food all by itself;
4. DON'T check on the cage too often, it may cause the mother too stressed, or disturbed (and it can eventually leading to the mother eat the child);
5. Separate the mother and the children from the father (in this case: Papoy; yes I put Papoy in other cage ever since Momoy's first childbirth. If you do not do this, well, the father can actually eat his children);
6. GIVE ENOUGH food inside the cage; you don't want the mother to get too hungry or she will eat her child; in this case, you can put all kinds of her favorite food such as sunflower seeds and other grains  (I give mine a little amount of milk occasionally and a little amount of oats post two weeks of giving birth);
7. PUT a DROP of vitamin to our hamster's drink to help her regain her strength after all those exhausting childbirth and breast feeding (you can always buy a vitamin from a pet store)
8. DON'T touch the child even though the mother seemed to not care about it and not giving her children any food, because well, in this case, you really supposed to trust the mother's judgement and, instinct...

Sorry for my lousy English... I cannot explain this properly... >.<

Thank you for reading! ^__^

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Notebook Caught on "Fire"

Haha, this 'fire' is one naughty fire...
He jumped up to my notebook, disturbing my view...
Once he got there, he laughed when I told him to come down. What a stubborn little 'fire', eh? ;D

Anyway I made this plush about a year ago and just had the chance to post it here...

The 'fire' is designed and handsewn by me... :D

Link to DeviantArt: [here]

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Goth Girl...

Here is my latest deviation...! Yayy Finally one more art is finished!!
You can see it on my DeviantArt website: [Link]

I managed to do it by using watercolour, then later edited in Photoshop... (Sorry if there is a watermark on the picture... Don't wanna add it actually but I have to :( )

Hope you enjoy it! ^__^
Have a nice week ahead!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Living Dead Girl - Elizabeth Scott

If you think your life is miserable, think again. 

A heartbreaking and haunting book this one was. I was reading it at my campus's bookstore that particular morning, some time in March, after I had my mid-exam week finished. I admired the design of the front cover of the book when it stands on the shelf, the 'mystery' it gave me, and the mysterious title. Living Dead Girl. So then I took it off the shelf and find a most comfy spot near the big windows of the bookstore, and started reading. To tell you the truth, I was actually not ready for this kind of story when I read it (for 2 hours straight). But then again, I thought this book is one of the amazing books I've read, and so I'll share it with you.

The story is about a girl, 15 when the novel started, remembering her once perfect life shattered by an encounter with a stranger when she was 10. The stranger, a man, kidnapped her (as what he was intended to do in the first place), and treated her as his 'property'. For 5 years her parents searched for her until they think she was killed and search no more. The story takes flight from there, a little bit blurry and full of questions in the beginning, and as the novel advances, it became clearer... About the kidnapper, the poor innocent little girl  turned teen, and her dark fate. The writer, Elizabeth Scott, really knows how to capture the tragedy happened to once innocent girl, elaborate it to a moving and heart wrenching story. As the novel advances, so are our knowledge of what was going on -and questions of what will the heroine of the novel a.k.a the girl, will do to escape her dark fate- those tremor and broken feelings will switch to a hate and disgust toward the kidnapper.

The book is first published in 2008, and has won many awards since then. Elizabeth Scott wrote the novel in a first person point of view. She clearly finished the novel in that manner of a haunting effect, shown in the ending of the novel which pretty much wrapped up in an abrupt and, unfortunately cut on the climax of the story. I don't feel the ending is right for this novel, after all the build-up of feelings, the abrupt completion does not give the conclusion, solution, nor fulfillment to me as a reader. It is like the novel toyed with my feelings, giving me some kind of whiplash, and then WHAM! Smashed me onto the ground, with no other explanations. (In fact I kept reading the last few lines to finally grasp of what was going on, and kept peeking the next page, as though a word or two might actually appear on the blank white paper, giving some kind of conclusion, explanation, or anything, but no, it doesn't).

Yet I admired Scott's effort in making the image of the girl and the kidnapper so vividly real inside my head, haunting, kept me silent and lost in thought afterwards. I thought this is a great novel to be read, not to be read as a light reading on your usual spare time though. This book will rip your heart until the very end, yet it was told in an amazing way you can imagine.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tribute to Quidditch and All Harry Potter Fans!

I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and here is my tribute to all Harry Potter and Quidditch fans...(I'm also a fan of Quidditch by the way, if by any means there is a sport like Quidditch I'll be the first to enroll as a player! :P)

It's just an old drawing of mine, just scanned it and photoshopped it... My editing is still a mess I know, yet I'll try to do better and better using photoshop... :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back from "The 3 Deadly Week"

Finally I'm back from those weeks of piled up assignments and final exams...! Whew...

As exhausting as it was, I felt really grateful for what I've achieved so far... I've just received my first three A's (yay!) in the past few days and content for what I've done and today I want to congratulate my 'Effort'... Well, congratulations, Effort! You've done it! I'm all through the study week with stress and frustrated feelings, yet it all got paid off in the end... Still two more scores to go, and I hoped for the best, of course.

The last semester of college... *sigh* Time passes by so quickly I didn't realize that I already passed 3 years of college! The next semester is the thesis time! I'll having a great time with my business plan...

Anyway, to celebrate the week, I had done a little photoshop to my old drawings... Here is one that also can be found on my deviantart website: [Link]

It's an Angel Precious Moments if you are not familiar with this figurine... :)
Well, enjoy, and have a fun weekend!! ;D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Exhausting April

This April, all due dates, all assignments, all studies...

No refreshing, no pampering myself, no drawing, no dilly-dallying, no cooking, no playing around, no nap, no watching TV, no, NO TIME!

All I can see is a 'no', all I cannot see is 'yes', 'hoorah', 'hoopla', 'yay', and whatever words you might use when you're happy...

Yes, I'm not happy, so much to do, so little time, so far it's not going so well... I'm confused of what to do first, and then I have no idea what I'm doing, plus its all jumbled up inside my brain and start to make me itch, 'Should I do this first?', 'no,no', 'should I do that?', 'naah', 'what am I going to do with this?', 'How am I suppose to do this?', 'Oh gosh I panicked!'

And then, the worst thing that can happen today is... My laptop keyboard seemed to not cooperating well... (Although you might not see it here, cause I typed just fine, but I'm actually struggling to press the "C"... Dunno why the "C" key is rather jammed or something, and it was fine this morning... Think its hard for me to spell my name now... It will spelled "Ha" instead of "Cha" and I feel like The Joker from The Dark Knight right now... "Ha" "Ha "Ha")

Oh, the only one thing that is going well is my thesis proposal... is accepted today... Yay... (Even the 'yay' is not convincing...)

Anyway, I'm bak, sorry exuse me, I'm baCk to work now...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Two Cute Hamsters Says Hi! :D

These are my two cute hamsters... Bought it the previous month, and they've gone fat fat fat since... (Thanks to the owner, they've never ever had a shortage of food! :P ) They love to bathe themselves, and of course, eating and sleeping all day...

I drew this out of boredom this afternoon, oh, for you information, Momoy here is a girl, Papoy is a boy... And, yes, Momoy LOVES to EAT all the time! So she got that fat, and she also loves to hide many foods inside her pocket in her mouth... You'll find her munching or sleeping all day...

Papoy, on the other half, is restless... He loves to climb the bars of the cage, maybe he's pretending he's on an expedition... He also loves to eat and sleep, yet he has a routine of playing the "spinning wheel"...

Here is a photo of the 'real' Momoy:

And here's the photo of the 'real' Papoy:

Ain't they cute and adorable? :)
Anyway, I will also share my DeviantArt page here (yay!! Finally after months and months of delaying, I decided to post my artworks at DeviantArt...) Here is the link :

I know I've only posted this pic, more coming soon... Yet now I'm glad I had something to share with... :D

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead!! (Me? I've got assignments, and due dates, as usual... :) ) 

Changed my blog adress... :)

Hmm, finally I decided to change my blog address... Because I feel that the last one is too long... So here is my new address now... :)

Anyway, Happy Sunday Everyone!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Very First Photoshop Design

I've been thinking to use Photoshop for a while yet I don't have time, or when I have the time I usually ended up doing something else instead. So, finally I tried to use Photoshop yesterday, and here's the result. It's not my first, actually. I have used Photoshop, but only for editing photos. It is the first time I used Photoshop for something else. Using brushes and all. I know it's not that good, because technically I'm an amateur. :)

Thanks to Chris Spooner for the tutorial... ^__^

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Joseph Gordon Levitt --> The Dark Knight Rises (So excited!)

Yes! Finally I got something 'right' today... After all those exhausting and tiring assignments I opened my Twitter and here is the good news! Joseph Gordon Levitt will play Alberto Falcone in the next Nolan's Batman film. (Yay! Though to be honest, I don't really know who he really is, Alberto Falcone I mean...)

So I heard there are a few people just go, 'naaahh...', and some of them are indifferent and skeptical, because they think that Falcone is a minor character... Hmm, I can't help but agree with the latter... I am certainly NOT a Batman Comic Book fan... I just love watching the movies. Good movies. And as long as Nolan's in there sweating days and nights making this film, I'm looking forward to it.

So, who is this Falcone? Alberto Falcone is the son of Tom Wilkinson's character in Batman Begins. His father's name is Carmine Falcone, and he is a serial killer of The Holiday Killer, appeared in Batman Comic series titled Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Dark Victory. And as I'm saying this, I don't have an idea of what the Holiday Killers are, or what Falcone is capable of. I just know that The Holiday Killers are the villains who kills their victims every holiday, and the killers itself are mostly anonymous. Hmm. Sounds 'dark' and twisted already.

Actually I'm a bit surprised when he chose this character instead of Batman's other villains. He can choose any villain from the Riddler, to Penguin, and instead, he chose this character... With a few appearance, little explanation of him, and not a popular Batman enemies... I mean, we all know about the Joker. He's the nemesis, he's the Man. He has no vulnerable, he's smart and slick and whatever you can say about him is, well, ambiguous and yet, he's the greatest villain ever created in DC Comics.

And then here comes... Falcone? I'm a bit skeptical, yes. Though I'd love to hear Joe G.L. will play the part, I can't help but thinking, "What is inside Nolan's mind?" (Maybe I'd have to do Inception through three layers deep and still got no answers!).

Anyway, Joe G.L. are also completing the awesome casts in The Dark Knight Rises. I'm talking about Anne Hathaway. Yes, Anne Hathaway. As CatWoman a.k.a Selina Kyle, and Tom Hardy as Bane.

YESSS YESS YESS, to be honest I'm confused with Nolan's mind. Why Bane? Why Falcone? They're a nobody (as far as I know). And anyway WHY Anne Hathaway? I cannot make the equation well enough. Anne Hathaway = Selina Kyle ??? 

Tom Hardy = Sturdy = Bane à This I can relate... After all, Tom Hardy is a guy who can really act, and I think it would be interesting to see him go in fist-to fist battle with Christian Bale.

Joseph Gordon Levitt = Alberto Falcone à no comment, cause I don’t have the slightest idea about this character. I would go watch Batman Begins again in order to understand his father more, (to enlighten me, give me more specific clues and convinced myself to whatever comes up in Nolan’s brain) Carmine Falcone.

Ah, the third and most surprising major cast... So far...

Anne Hathaway = Sexy and Dangerous Selina Kyle ??? à at first, I thought that this is only a prank. A joke. A spam, a mere rumor. You name it. And it turns out...  So TRUE! Yes, Anne Hathaway is hot (you’ll know after you’ve watched Love and Other Drugs and see her naked for the gazillionth time...), and umm... She’s just not the ‘cut’ of Selina Kyle, you know? I’ve watched the previous Batman by Tim Burton (of course), and see how Selina Kyle transformed to a vile and cruel Catwoman, a character who possessed a hint of sensuality and dangerously attractive, a femme fatale (to be honest I also happen to have seen Halle Berry’s portrait of CatWoman in which I thought was a disaster. Sorry Ms. Berry!). So, the question is, would this cast of Anne being Selina a successful interpretation of CatWoman’s character? Would she be able to deliver such a rich character? Or will she be the next Halle Berry’s CatWoman?

So, with all new casts combined, the equation would be something like... This:

Anne Hathaway + Bane + Alberto Falcone = Dark Knight Rises ?



Yes, I wrote it right. Anne Hathaway would always be Anne Hathaway. No Selina Kyle (in my opinion).

To know whether Nolan has did another great job as he did with The Dark Knight 2 years ago, we’ll just have to wait for another year, July 20th 2012... (Hope by then, this tax problem in my country would not be much of a problem anymore...).

Friday, March 18, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood... (no, it's not a movie review)

Little Red Riding Hood. What comes up to your mind when you heard this? Hmm...
A girl, young, wearing a red hoodie that looks more like a combination of a rapper's hoodie and Superman's  cape...

The reason I blogged about this girl is because I am intrigued by the story behind this legendary children story...

It is told that the story has different meanings to all people... Some people thought that the little red riding hood is a girl before she encounters the wolf in the forest, and that The Famous Big Bad Wolf itself is a symbol for a man, seducing the little girl (its like a pedophile, don't you think?). And it is a very interesting idea, because the red cape symbolizes the blood from the periodic cycles a woman has, and The Wolf, which symbolizes the man, bears a symbolic warning for women, in terms of sexual predators... In the story, Red Riding Hood encounters The Wolf inside the forest in a way to her grandmother's house. Little Red talks to The Wolf, in which she's told not to talk to strangers by her mother. The Wolf started to persuade her to pick up flowers, while he is busy finding the grandmother's house and eat the grandmother, dressed himself and take the grandmother's place. Waiting for the girl to arrive.

I personally think that this is an interesting children story, because, well... It's a Children Bedtime Story that is told by every parents in the whole world, and there is this 'other' meaning to it, rather than just the story itself. There is something more to it, the 'darker' side of it, the mature side of the story, that children in the world could never understand (as they grew up they will). In this perspective, we, as a mature person, see this story in a different angles from children, and thus, we saw a mysterious crafted timeless bedtime story that is still enjoyable for adults... The message is clear: Stay away from the forest and the Big Bad Wolf (for children), and don't talk to strangers (this also suited for the kids as well as adults), and to be careful of "predators".

P.S.: Anyway, in case you're not believing me, check Wiki for sure... :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back to Where I Belong

It's been months since the last time I updated my blog. I've been to LiveJournal since... Because this is my first blog and I technically had no experience in writing a blog and what I would write about, so I just thought that this blog is mainly used for movie reviews purposes...

And NOW, well, there seems to be an 'awkward' moment in which Hollywood movies are banned in my country. It's sad really. I don't watch movies anymore. Or so happens that I watched movie, but not 'good' movies... If you know what I mean.

So, I'm back to "where I belong" or "where I'm supposed to be"... Writing in my old blogger. Having two different blogs is a little... difficult, I write in this one, then write in the other too, simultaneously.

Anyway, I'm sort of lost of words right now, so I'll just go, finished my studies and back to work...

And anyway the thing is, LiveJournal is better for a blog... If you have many ideas that would turn into writing only, you can use that blog. But its lack of customization, and they also used a paid member system which is pretty annoying for me actually... Because I seldom used my blog, and this blog is only for my pasttime... :)

Oh, and the other thing is, Blogger is much better in customization, and also free of charge! It's just that it is a bit boring at times, and I still cannot maximize the usage of this blog... I don't know how actually... Haha, so sad...