Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Joseph Gordon Levitt --> The Dark Knight Rises (So excited!)

Yes! Finally I got something 'right' today... After all those exhausting and tiring assignments I opened my Twitter and here is the good news! Joseph Gordon Levitt will play Alberto Falcone in the next Nolan's Batman film. (Yay! Though to be honest, I don't really know who he really is, Alberto Falcone I mean...)

So I heard there are a few people just go, 'naaahh...', and some of them are indifferent and skeptical, because they think that Falcone is a minor character... Hmm, I can't help but agree with the latter... I am certainly NOT a Batman Comic Book fan... I just love watching the movies. Good movies. And as long as Nolan's in there sweating days and nights making this film, I'm looking forward to it.

So, who is this Falcone? Alberto Falcone is the son of Tom Wilkinson's character in Batman Begins. His father's name is Carmine Falcone, and he is a serial killer of The Holiday Killer, appeared in Batman Comic series titled Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Dark Victory. And as I'm saying this, I don't have an idea of what the Holiday Killers are, or what Falcone is capable of. I just know that The Holiday Killers are the villains who kills their victims every holiday, and the killers itself are mostly anonymous. Hmm. Sounds 'dark' and twisted already.

Actually I'm a bit surprised when he chose this character instead of Batman's other villains. He can choose any villain from the Riddler, to Penguin, and instead, he chose this character... With a few appearance, little explanation of him, and not a popular Batman enemies... I mean, we all know about the Joker. He's the nemesis, he's the Man. He has no vulnerable, he's smart and slick and whatever you can say about him is, well, ambiguous and yet, he's the greatest villain ever created in DC Comics.

And then here comes... Falcone? I'm a bit skeptical, yes. Though I'd love to hear Joe G.L. will play the part, I can't help but thinking, "What is inside Nolan's mind?" (Maybe I'd have to do Inception through three layers deep and still got no answers!).

Anyway, Joe G.L. are also completing the awesome casts in The Dark Knight Rises. I'm talking about Anne Hathaway. Yes, Anne Hathaway. As CatWoman a.k.a Selina Kyle, and Tom Hardy as Bane.

YESSS YESS YESS, to be honest I'm confused with Nolan's mind. Why Bane? Why Falcone? They're a nobody (as far as I know). And anyway WHY Anne Hathaway? I cannot make the equation well enough. Anne Hathaway = Selina Kyle ??? 

Tom Hardy = Sturdy = Bane à This I can relate... After all, Tom Hardy is a guy who can really act, and I think it would be interesting to see him go in fist-to fist battle with Christian Bale.

Joseph Gordon Levitt = Alberto Falcone à no comment, cause I don’t have the slightest idea about this character. I would go watch Batman Begins again in order to understand his father more, (to enlighten me, give me more specific clues and convinced myself to whatever comes up in Nolan’s brain) Carmine Falcone.

Ah, the third and most surprising major cast... So far...

Anne Hathaway = Sexy and Dangerous Selina Kyle ??? à at first, I thought that this is only a prank. A joke. A spam, a mere rumor. You name it. And it turns out...  So TRUE! Yes, Anne Hathaway is hot (you’ll know after you’ve watched Love and Other Drugs and see her naked for the gazillionth time...), and umm... She’s just not the ‘cut’ of Selina Kyle, you know? I’ve watched the previous Batman by Tim Burton (of course), and see how Selina Kyle transformed to a vile and cruel Catwoman, a character who possessed a hint of sensuality and dangerously attractive, a femme fatale (to be honest I also happen to have seen Halle Berry’s portrait of CatWoman in which I thought was a disaster. Sorry Ms. Berry!). So, the question is, would this cast of Anne being Selina a successful interpretation of CatWoman’s character? Would she be able to deliver such a rich character? Or will she be the next Halle Berry’s CatWoman?

So, with all new casts combined, the equation would be something like... This:

Anne Hathaway + Bane + Alberto Falcone = Dark Knight Rises ?



Yes, I wrote it right. Anne Hathaway would always be Anne Hathaway. No Selina Kyle (in my opinion).

To know whether Nolan has did another great job as he did with The Dark Knight 2 years ago, we’ll just have to wait for another year, July 20th 2012... (Hope by then, this tax problem in my country would not be much of a problem anymore...).

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