Sunday, July 10, 2011

iPhone's Bad Day :(

Yes, it jammed. This morning to be exact... I dunno what I do wrong, it just did. And whatever I do to turn it back on again, none succeeded... I've tried to remove my card, tried to unplug it from any source of electricity, and it just stood there in silent, screen is black. Nothing happened.

I started to search for my iPhone box for the manuals, you know, for answers to this problem. Well, I stumbled upon this paragraph:

"Keeping iPhone within Acceptable Temperatures: Operate iPhone in a place where the temperature is between 0 C and 35 C. Low-or high temperature condition might temporarily shorten battery life or cause iPhone to temporarily STOP WORKING PROPERLY."

Okay, so I plugged my iPhone for charging this morning, and it is working properly and fine, and the next minute, it switched off by itself (or jammed). When I try to switch it on by pressing the On/Off button on top of the thing, well, nothing happened... I started to panicked, then I umplugged it from the electric port (because it started to get hotter), and I tried to plug it on my computer... In a normal condition it will sync itself through my computer, but now, nothing. 

I think the problem happens caused by the temperature swing, the way it's described in the manual, because it's getting hotter when I unplug it... But, well, you never know, right?
Now that it cooled down, still nothing happened when I tried to turn it on... I wonder what happened to it... I got this iPhone last year (when I say last year, I meant it, I bought this iPhone from iBox, a reseller in my country in July 2010, and I haven't had any trouble with it before), and now just after the 1-year warranty is invalid, it started to throw tantrums like this... It's just weird... :(

Well, let's just hope that it will worked by tomorrow, because the manual didn't even say anything about how long it will stop working properly... *sigh*

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