Sunday, November 7, 2010

Movie Review: The Social Network; Dear Facebook Addict (also former addicts), you should (all) watched...!

Finally! After a month of desperate waiting, the movie is finally reached my country! Thx to the distributors, they really had done a great job! (Not that they weren't doing a good job all this time... I'm just saying... You know... :D )

Yes, its Saturday Movie Night! Hmm, yes I know I have a good reason to stay at home this Saturday, what with all that assignments to finish... But unfortunately my mind belongs somewhere else, and I really need to refresh my mind a little... Just a little bit... It won't hurt... Right??

So I once again set off to the mall (and yes, in my town there is NO cinemas built as one building... All the cinemas are inside the malls... So, we are forced to go to the mall everytime we watched movie... How smart of the 'business folks' right? I mean you'd have to agree that that was slick... Forcing people to simultaneously enjoy shopping and other entertainment after watching movies...) on this ordinary day with my boy, to catch up where we left off in theaters... There's also Megamind 3D released on cinemas, and although I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell, I'd like to watch it, too... But remembering the fact that I've been waiting for this movie for too long, and based on the reviews and extremely satisfactory ratings, this movie has received ‘the winner’ rating, so I decided to see it right away...

The Social Network is a story of Facebook... I just wonder why it is not stated clearly in the title that this is a Facebook movie. Maybe they have to pay royalties to Zuckerberg for using the name... Ha!

Anyway, its a very entertaining movie... Regardless of its fictional story... Yes, it is fictional... Based on the novel by Ben Mezerich called The Accidental Billionaires... You don't believe me? Start Googling... :)

Even the poster is well-thought out... Well done!
Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg, same 'berg' name... It's kind of odd right?), the founder of Facebook, is a computer nerd, lonely, and - slightly arrogant- student studied at Harvard... He happened to also be a genius, and can hacked other university homepages in just a few hours to get the students photos and connecting it to Facemash, a site he made where the students can choose between two photos of girls and pick one they think are more interesting. The site then brought trouble for him, but his talent then discovered and interests the twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, and their partner Divya Narendra...

The three then decided to invite Zuckerberg and ask him to build them a website called HarvardConnection. This website idea is about the social network that brings exclusivity. Zuckerberg agreed to join the team. However, he then realized that he is capable of establishing the social network by himself (I don't know whether its his arrogance, or lack of idea... But later in the movie he will explain why he made the social network...). First he had to find a source of fund, in which he tried to reached for his best friend, a business majored and a jewish Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) who's agreed to help and then made the CFO of TheFacebook...

Things roll by and he finally found Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake), who's interested in Zuckerberg's work on TheFacebook. Parker then tried to persuade him by feeding him imaginations of being big, to find investors and tried to be more serious about TheFacebook future... Soon Zuckerberg is lulled with all this dreams of being big and his new friend, started to forget who he was and more importantly, his friendship with Saverin... And to top it all, as the events roll by, Zuckerberg is facing two lawsuits from Winklevoss brothers and Divya, the other lawsuit is... Surprisingly, comes from Saverin.

Overall, the movie is a fast paced, forward-backward type. Here you can see the future, then some flashbacks of what happened earlier to explain the situations... Some scenes just gone 'blurry', the gap between scenes that are the future and the flashbacks are sometimes unclear, and you have to pay attention to the actors dialogue, or you'll never make it to the end of the movie... The point is, this movie is definitely not for someone slow in taking much information. Its fast, sharp lines and gradually heightened tense as the movie rolls by, pretty much explained the great quality of the script and the messages and information it provides the audiences.

This movie is one of the best movie I've seen this year, its new and fresh, with some great actors involved in it... The three leading stars (Eisenberg, Garfield, Timberlake) really gives the best performance on screen... and yet the screen-stealer is Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker... No no, not because he is hot and such... Its just that, he really nails it. I really just can’t picture him being an actor (regardless of a few films featuring him as a supporting role, like Alpha Dog for example...), and yet he's done an extremely great job of portraying the complicated character. Two thumbs up for JT!

Here is the resemblance to the 'real' people... I don't think Andrew (Garfield) is chosen based on the resemblance coz he doesn't look at all like Saverin... Maybe its his talent in acting that made him part of the brilliant casts in the movie.
The other actor who can receive recognition is Jesse Eisen-berg as Zucker-berg (Berg for Berg...), he expressed the feelings correctly of a loner and sometimes irritating, yet a genius boy of Harvard. Although maybe the real Zuckerberg wasn’t like anything he pictured on the screen, he portrayed the character just as needed in the movie. Well in that case, he can thank the scriptwriter Aaron Sorkin’s ability to sort the best words to deliver on the screen.

The third recognition would go to Garfield of course... I really think that he is going to be ‘the-next-big-thing’ of Hollywood, after seeing him act on The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus... Although the films a ‘disaster’, still he can stand as an actor out of it. The other supporting roles also played a great part in making this movie as intense and great as it is. Armie Hammer who played both of the Winklevoss twins really showed his best efforts, and Max Minghella also had done a good job in portraying his character.

The conclusion is, this movie brings out the best performances by both actors and filmmakers. David Fincher has brought a very entertaining and strong plotted story to a well-deserved-Oscar movie. Despite of its fiction and drove past the reality that has been made up from the novel to ‘dramatize’ the true events. The point is, if you are looking for a good movie with a great degree of performance, a strong plot, fast-paced, with smart and long lines, you should definitely pick this movie...

However I suggest that after you watched the movie, you’d better spend your time googling for the real true story behind Facebook... Zuckerberg and such. Because the events are being made up in this movie (although some of it really is based on true events that has been changed a little...). 

Ah, this has been a very long review, and by far the longest review I’ve written in my blog... ;D
So now I’m going to continue my Facebook-ing activity if you don’t mind (YES I have a Facebook, anyway, who doesn’t these days??), and I’ll leave you for good by giving you the rating for the movie...

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars...

P.S: Don’t watch it alone, its better you bring some friends with you, so if you cannot catch up with the fast dialogue, you can ask your friend, and if she/he doesn’t understand it either, ask the other one, etc. And anyway, its a social network movie, maybe you can... ‘Invite’... your friends by writing on their... ‘Wall’... Okay okay I’m shutting my blog down now... Thanks for reading my awful-long-review btw...

^____^ ‘til next time!

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