Sunday, November 28, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Once again Harry Potter is the star of this month!! Yes, Harry Potter is finally here, and I watched it last Saturday (lucky enough to slip of those eager Potter fans out there and snatched a ticket...) I admit I've been waiting for so long for this movie ever since the teaser trailer for both Part 1 and Part 2 comes out. And according to what I got from the trailer was, FANTASTIC!! MUST-SEE movie of the year! Oh, I'm not forgetting other movies that I've been waiting for too, like, Tron Legacy for example? But let's not forgetting that Harry Potter really IS an epic!!

This is my favorite part!! :)
The story started where we left off last movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... Remind you, SPOILER ALERT FOR YOU WHO HAVEN'T WATCHED HALF-BLOOD PRINCE! (For you who've watched Half-Blood Prince, you may proceed... :))

At Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore's dead, and Ministry of Magic is never been at stake... Both the wizarding world as well as muggle world are not safe... Snape is finally seen as a dark figure as he killed Dumbledore, and in this movie, Snape did appeared to be once again reunited with his former dark community, The Death Eaters... His allegiance by this time is obvious (or is it?). The readers of the books may have well known the ending to this mysterious man, but for you who are only as loyal as the movie audiences might have to wait until next year to reveal Snape's secret...

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are once again must face the peril and dangerous paths in front of them, as they travelled through forests and cities, to find Voldemort's precious souls which has been splitted to seven (or six) horcruxes... As for your information, horcruxes are the objects being made by killing someone, to gain some kind of 'permition' to split your soul into that object... So far its been said that Tom Riddle, a.k.a Voldemort has made 7 horcruxes including himself... What might be the last horcrux inside the book will stunned us all... I have read the books, right from the start til the end, and I have finished even before the sixth movie came along...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows brings you a very subtle ride from the beginning to the very end. The pace is slow at some point, and that is the difference of this film from the previous Potter movies which always in fast pace mode in order to capture the important moments inside the book... You won't find it in this installment... The pace is moderate to slow, and sometimes it dragged too much... Although many people claimed that this is the best Potter films ever made, I have to disagree on that. Not that this movie is not entertaining and not worth your two and a half hours time to watch, but the slow pace had almost made me feel...bored...

First of all, the tent scene is too much... Too much to elaborate on just normal and ordinary tents scene... Then, comes the part that I really liked from the book but the filmmakers just pass it out like nothing ever happened... There are parts on the book, the relationship and chemistry between Hermione and Ron for example, though it stated clearly in the movie, but the chemistry from the actors are not... Yes, Emma Watson made the perfect Hermione, and Rupert Grint made a perfect Ron, but their relationship is kind of flat. This is especially seen on the Malfoy's Manor scene...

The actors and actresses are all deliver pretty much the same performances, with an addition of Bill Nighy... I love Bill Nighy, but his role as Rufus Scrimgeour here cannot explore his character more... I wished he had a role that is much more important, because to 'hire' a very talented actor like Bill Nighy as Scrimgeour who only appeared in several scenes, means the waste of his talent as an actor...

The music is splendid! Alexandre Desplat really made this movie has a soul in it, like every other movies he's composing... You'll love what he had brought to The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and The Painted Veil...

Overall, this is just another Potter movie, except there are many ups and downs in this film, more than you expected... We, as the readers of the books, are challenged to compare the imaginations visualized inside our minds while reading the book, with the scenes on he big screen... I shall say, in visualizing the events on the book, this movie is on the TOP of the list... The downside is only the dragging side of too-many tents scenes, and the chemistry which does not work, and I cannot blame the actors for that matter, maybe it's just the way the filmmakers wants it. To set aside the romance for a full fiction adventure genre of movie...

Watch it or not?
Yes, definitely I recommend you to watch it! Although there are minor scenes, but Harry Potter is too epic to be forgotten on the list of movies you'd like to watch this year... Just enjoy the movie without any expectations, and you'll be fine...

Oh, and since this movie also comes from a book, and I know movies that originally adapted from books are not as good as the book itself... So take this advice, when you watch this movie, enjoy it as a movie, not as a movie adapted from a book, and you'll settled.

Rating: 4 out of 5... 

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