Monday, July 18, 2011

Precious Moments: Pray and Praise The Lord Everyday! :D

Just posted another drawing. This one is a little religious. I am a Catholic, so I do this, well, if not, almost everyday. Yeah I admit I forgot sometimes so I made this picture as a reminder to pray each day, and praise the Lord every morning and evening before going to bed, because He's the only reason we got here, right now, the reason we are still here, breathing, doing things... :)

Have a Miraculous Monday everyone!!!
No, don't hate Monday please, because Monday is also the reason to wait for Saturday and Sunday right? :D

(Oh, what's with the Holly Berry she wears on top of her head? Well, actually, I did this drawing back before Xmas holiday in 2008, so, yeah the theme is Christmas Spirit! :) hehehe)

dA link: [here]

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Wolf...

Today's draw and scan is:

Check it also on my deviantArt: [here]
Enjoy the rest of the day!! :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ToNight's Tunes is...

It's night already here, and I would like to share a link to a music video I recently addicted to. :D

I particularly liked this song in her newest album 21, it's a little bit of a sad song, but I'm a melancholic girl, so, yeah, I listen to sad songs. Love the piano in this one! Love it Love it Love IT!! Go Adele!!She's brilliant!!
Anyway enjoy and good night everyone!

P.S.: Oh and I leave the lyrics under this video... :)

Adele - Turning Tables Lyrics
Close enough to start a war
All that I have is on the floor
God only knows what we're fighting for
All that I say, you always say more

I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me
No, I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
To turning tables

Under haunted skies I see you, ooh
Where love is lost, your ghost is found
I braved a hundred storms to leave you
As hard as you try, no I will never be knocked down

I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
Turning tables

Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own savior
When the thunder calls for me
Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own savior
Standing on my own two feet

I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you, what you think you give me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
To turning tables

South Pole Penguins

Today I'm scanning one of my old drawings, South Pole Penguins.
I got the idea of drawing these cute penguins from a present given to me about 3 years ago by my aunt. It was one of the series in Hallmark's Keepsake Ornament 2007: South Pole Pals.

My favorite is the Angel one, because I love angels! ^_^

The Angel one is also the only one I drew that's very much similar to the real ornament, whereas the others, well, I improvised... :)

Here is my drawing, you can also find it on my DA: [here]

Have a wonderful Wednesday! :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today's Post of Nothing in Particular

Okay, the first news I got here is quite a surprise for Nolan's films addict (point to me), Batman Comic's fans, and Batman Movie's fans (me again). I got this news from my sister actually... This afternoon when I was in front of my computer playing those Facebook games (darn adddictive Facebook games xP), and she is also in front of her computer (I dunno what she was doing, maybe searching for some design pictures for her assignments)...

Behold, The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster!!

No Catwoman, no Bane, nothing. Just the plain old bat and the collapsed city (Wait, uh, collapsed? As in Inception's "The dream is collapsing"?). Anyway, I seem to recall The Dark Knight's teaser poster was Joker. 

Okay, news number two is about my iPhone. 
My last post was about my jammed iPhone. No, it's not fixed. Not yet. So today was the day that my iPhone's got 'medical treatment'... I hoped it gets better. The BAD news is, I won't be able to recover ALL of my data! Which means, all of my data is GONE... As in POOF! Vanished...

What do I miss? Well, a LOT actually. 

I lost my notes, lost all my pictures (the recent photos which I haven't got the chance to save to my computer), lost all my games, lost my Inception app (this is an important application, if you've downloaded it you'll understand why...), and lost my phonebook numbers... *sigh*

*sigh, then silent*

Nothing to say, just... B-A-D iPhone, I wish I put all my data somewhere else where I should not have to recover, or lost.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

iPhone's Bad Day :(

Yes, it jammed. This morning to be exact... I dunno what I do wrong, it just did. And whatever I do to turn it back on again, none succeeded... I've tried to remove my card, tried to unplug it from any source of electricity, and it just stood there in silent, screen is black. Nothing happened.

I started to search for my iPhone box for the manuals, you know, for answers to this problem. Well, I stumbled upon this paragraph:

"Keeping iPhone within Acceptable Temperatures: Operate iPhone in a place where the temperature is between 0 C and 35 C. Low-or high temperature condition might temporarily shorten battery life or cause iPhone to temporarily STOP WORKING PROPERLY."

Okay, so I plugged my iPhone for charging this morning, and it is working properly and fine, and the next minute, it switched off by itself (or jammed). When I try to switch it on by pressing the On/Off button on top of the thing, well, nothing happened... I started to panicked, then I umplugged it from the electric port (because it started to get hotter), and I tried to plug it on my computer... In a normal condition it will sync itself through my computer, but now, nothing. 

I think the problem happens caused by the temperature swing, the way it's described in the manual, because it's getting hotter when I unplug it... But, well, you never know, right?
Now that it cooled down, still nothing happened when I tried to turn it on... I wonder what happened to it... I got this iPhone last year (when I say last year, I meant it, I bought this iPhone from iBox, a reseller in my country in July 2010, and I haven't had any trouble with it before), and now just after the 1-year warranty is invalid, it started to throw tantrums like this... It's just weird... :(

Well, let's just hope that it will worked by tomorrow, because the manual didn't even say anything about how long it will stop working properly... *sigh*

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Hamster's Cute Kiddo ;D

Three weeks ago my hamster (as you may recall from my last post, was named Momoy and Papoy), finally gave birth to 8 little cute children! Well, Momoy did actually, Papoy is only involved in the 'making'... xD haha

Okayy so this is Momoy:

And this is Momoy when she's pregnant, eating some bread:

Here is the picture of one child after Momoy gave birth (see?the red one?):

And this is Momoy's only survived child... All 7 of them had died not long after their birth because apparently, Momoy didn't understand how to care and treat them... Momoy just sit on them all day (to warm them up actually) without feeding them...

Ain't he/she cute? Oh well, I don't have a name for it yet, because I still dunno whether this one would turn up a boy or a girl, yet, judging from the hyperactiveness, maybe it is a boy... :)

Here's other picture:

And here is him/her compared to her mother's size... Pretty small, huh? (oh, I haven't mention the age, Momoy's child is 3 weeks old now, almost 4 weeks)

I wanna touch him so badly, but then he's still in his mother's care and I don't want to intervene. If I touch him,  Momoy might think that he's not her child (by the unrecognizable smell from having touched by our hands) and eat him up! <:0

The 101 rule for post-birthing hamster:
1. DON'T touch the child, or they will eat it because they don't recognize the scent; 
2. PUT the hamster's cage in a dark place (I cover my hamster's cage with a newspaper); 
3. DON'T clean the cage although I know it becomes smelly after a few weeks, but keep it as the way it is until the child is all grown up and can find the food all by itself;
4. DON'T check on the cage too often, it may cause the mother too stressed, or disturbed (and it can eventually leading to the mother eat the child);
5. Separate the mother and the children from the father (in this case: Papoy; yes I put Papoy in other cage ever since Momoy's first childbirth. If you do not do this, well, the father can actually eat his children);
6. GIVE ENOUGH food inside the cage; you don't want the mother to get too hungry or she will eat her child; in this case, you can put all kinds of her favorite food such as sunflower seeds and other grains  (I give mine a little amount of milk occasionally and a little amount of oats post two weeks of giving birth);
7. PUT a DROP of vitamin to our hamster's drink to help her regain her strength after all those exhausting childbirth and breast feeding (you can always buy a vitamin from a pet store)
8. DON'T touch the child even though the mother seemed to not care about it and not giving her children any food, because well, in this case, you really supposed to trust the mother's judgement and, instinct...

Sorry for my lousy English... I cannot explain this properly... >.<

Thank you for reading! ^__^