Friday, October 15, 2010

First Day of Blogging

Well well, my first blog entry... What can I say? All I know is that I'm sitting down on the floor, eyes fixed on my notebook screen, minds wander in search for words, fingers tap dancing on the keys, and slightly numb feet for sitting in the same position far too long...

I never thought about blog much, not when I was 16, or 18, or even now... The reason why I started this was because, well... I think its time to share the stuff that I enjoyed. From the things that inspired me. Well I thought that THAT was the reason, pretty lame actually. I couldn't come up with another...

The thing is, I don't know about blogging... When I say I don't know, I mean I don't know it 'at all'... Some people share their life through it, yes. Some people share what they love to do. They pretty much know what to do when they started a blog.

As for me, I don't know what to write and put inside my blog, yet I just do it, maybe out of curiosity... I wonder what would it be like to have my own blog, because well, I enjoyed writing. And this writing hobby came from an activity called reading...

Since I was at the kindergarten, I love reading. Although if you saw me in that early age, you would see me clutching a little handbag full of books with pictures in it. Most of it I remembered now as fairytales stories, Disney books, all that jazz. As I got older, the pictures all started to vanish from the books I chose to read. Leaving only one words after another. I started to increase my book expense each month. Let's just say that I was enjoying reading so much that everytime I went out with my parents, bookstore is the only place I want to be. Seeing books inside the bookstore can make me feel joyful, even in times when I'm not really looking for a particular book to buy.

Okay, continuing with my hobby in writing, I love to write since I was in elementary school. I remembered it when I first received an assignment from the teacher to write down a story of my holiday. The memory is already fading because it happened years ago in this town, yet I still recall that inside, I feel an excitement toward the task. I write and I don't even look back to check the length of my assignment. By the time I was finished, it was this 3 pages full. At that time I realized that I love writing, and that I would write as much short stories as possible.

The short stories, I write them all in this little book, and then... The book is gone. Yes, its gone! Puff... I don't know where it vanished, all I know is at that time I was so upset to know that the book is gone, and that I cannot find it, and even not remember where I last hold it. Up until now I still feel some kind of regret for not putting it on the right place. Not because of the book, but its because of the ideas inside it, that if I have that book with me now, I would've read it over and over, and laugh after myself for telling such stories on my childhood. And now, I don't remember what kind of stories I put inside it so I don't know what my writing used to be on that early years.

Well, that is all about my writing and reading hobby. Writing makes me feel happy, and I will keep it that way for the rest of my life... Note that as much as I love writing stories, I do not like writing poems. I don't know but maybe I'm not the one that is chosen to that type of prose.

Here's to my first day of blogging! *clink*
I just hope that its not too much that it caused people fall asleep on their computer desk...

And I hope I'll be here again as soon as I found something interesting to write... (I think I haven't mentioned why I chose the name of the blog 'wishing well'... Later I suppose)

For the ones who have visited my blog, as 'accidentally' as you were, thank you for visiting here...^0^
Hope you are not get bored to read my writing...
'Til next time!

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