Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Curious of Your Type of Personality? ? ?

Back home from a tiring day at campus... As always on Tuesday class, I got a finance class... Not my favorite subject, yet, I will try to love it. After all, finance was a major I'm interested in when I'm in high school. I think the quote "Learn to love what you do" will suffise... :)

Anyway, I'll take my time to write something about... No no, not finance... I'll write something about, say, psychology? Yes, I'll even babble about it... I love psychology. I think its great to learn personality to understand people better. From it, you can look into that person better, and understand why certain people act differently than others. Although I'm not majoring in the subject, I have an interest in it since I can remember, and even back then when I was a teen, psychology is one of my consideration subject to study in campus...^__^

The topic I would like to share today, is psychology from Myers-Briggs, which often known as MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). This type of psychological measure, was first founded by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types in 1921 (Source: Wikipedia.com; yeah, I know, I'm a wiki-junkie... ;P).

So, this nowadays is commonly used to assess the psychological traits and behaviors of people. Though some may be against this and claiming that this assessment is not presenting an accurate data, but MBTI is widely used because others claimed that this assessment is more reliable than any other psychological instruments. And, it's true. In my opinion at least. I have done the test before, and though I'd done it on the internet, which for some, there's a little 'problem' going on the internet, such as unreliable sources, or 'generalization' problem, you name it. Yet, I found the result of my test though not completely and 100 % represent me, but still its true.

If you wanted to know what your behavior or trait is, just have a test yourself here: http://www.mypersonality.info/ . Honestly, I don't know how many of you have tried this test. You should be aware though that the test here are only references of who you are, and you should know too that the test may be more difficult for some people than others to interpret because it might have an implying meaning, so, just take your time to think it through yourself while you're filling the questionnaires.

Be sure after you take the test, take a look at your details of personality here: http://www.personalitypage.com/html/careers.html . Just click on your personality from that 16 categories, and voila! You've got... You!!

Source: http://www.coachingsystems.cz/mbti1_en.htm

So, what is MBTI exactly? I will give you the brief explanation. MBTI consists of 16 types, which grouped into 4 opposite pairs, and these 4 are often called dichotomies (shown in the picture above). As you see, all of it are opposites of one another. Extraversion personality are opposites of Introversion personality,  therefore these two won't clash one another. Either you are an extraversion, or introversion dominant, it cannot be both. Yes, it is possible to have both traits which is a 50:50 balance, but most people have one dominant side inside him/her. The rest possess the same principle, Sensing vs iNtuitive, Thinking vs Feeling, and Judging vs Perceiving. It's how much dominant of one versus the other that rule your world.

Extraversion and Introversion are both called as attitudes. Extraverted persons often centered their behavior externally, and therefore they are getting their energy from 'outside'. Extraversion often leads to action oriented people, it also contains interactions with other people, and other things we do outside ourselves. 

On the opposite, Introversion people centered their power from their internal world. Introverted persons are thought oriented, and spend much of their time organizing and creating ideas inside their mind, introspecting and doing much reflection towards him/herself. What's importance is how much time you spent between those attitudes. If you feel you spent much more time and getting energy more from outside, you are an extraverted person. But if you feel drained of energy just after you have a social gathering or meeting other people, and to be alone is what made you gain energy, then you are an Introverted person.

The second one is how you perceive information that is given to you. The way people get their information is divided by two, again, these two are opposites one another. Sensing and iNtuition. Sensing people usually takes and process the information in a concrete fashion. They pay attention to physical reality, what is real in front of them, and what is happening in the present. They take action based on accurate details and facts, and they don't trust intuition in making decisions. Trusts experiences more than anything else. What's important for Sensing people are accurate data, not an 'approximately' or 'probably' type of data.

On the other hand, iNtuitive people trusts information from abstract possibilities, paying much more attention to impressions, meanings, and patterns of the information they get. They learn by thinking a problem through, not by experiences. They are also interested in new things and possibilities, so they think of the future more often than to dwell the past or even the present. Tend to see the big picture of problems rather than details, and trust intuition in taking actions. What's important for them is to see things from different views and the possibilities of new ideas.

The third one is how you make decisions. Thinking and Feeling. Whether you like to put more weight in objective, based on logics and reasons (Thinking); or based on value systems of what you believe to be right, in personal concerns and the people involved (Feeling). Thinking people are more influenced by logical explanations in making decisions. They are not easily influenced by people, how much they love or liked that person to come into a decision. A thinker usually made decisions based on principles, rational, and impersonal manner. They see predefined rules of behavior as the measurement of how to weigh a decision, to be fair and just.

Feeling persons are more subjective in making each decisions. They tend to see people as individuals who need to be considered, empathizing on the situation, and harmony oriented. They also often concerned of what is best for all the people involved, and cared for each of the people in the situation. They see their own values to make a decision.

Finally, the fourth is Judging and Perceiving. These two represents how you like to live your life, what others wanted to see. Judging is more of an orderly, structured and organized person. Perceiving is more of a flexible, spontaneous, and adaptable person. Judging people are more satisfied when they are in control of  their own life, by making schedules for example, while Perceiving people tend to do things open-ended,  always open for possibilities of new things that might be happening along the way.

Okay, that wraps my blog post for today... I tried to make a simple explanation of these personalities. Wanted to learn it further? These references for further readings might do you good:

Have fun! ^__^

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