Sunday, October 31, 2010

This is... Halloween!

Happy Halloween's Day!
Maybe those words are the words you most heard today...Wherever you go, there're Halloweens Day signature... Starting from people dressed in spooky costume, pumpkin jack-o-lanterns and bats decorated on every display windows, and more... Treats??

Today my blog post is Halloween, and where did it came from, why is it named Halloween, and MANY more... All is about Halloween Halloween and Halloween! It's like Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas... "This is Halloween!"

Maybe some of you didn't know where the tradition of Halloween came from. Again, I will use my 'wiki-junkie' mode to enlighten you of the history... Forgive my wiki-addict, please ;)

Halloween is derived from All-Hallows-Eve, and first attested in the 16th century. It's the night before All Saints Day, a Christian holiday, and rooted as far as the Celtic Festival of Samhain several thousand years ago. All Saints Day is celebrated the next day, which means tomorrow, November 1st, to honor all the saints.

Halloween has long been thought of as a day when the dead can return to the earth, and ancient Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off these roaming ghosts (  To explain further about Halloween's history, you have to write at the least 3 pages, whereas now I only have a little more time to wrap this up, just 'til the end of Halloween tonight. (Yeah, I know I know... I may be late to post this, should've done it a few weeks back, but I just haven't think about it yet then...).

See, the Celts, who lived 2000 years ago and stayed in the areas nowadays known as Ireland, England, and France, was having a new year on November 1st instead of January 1st. This day then marked as the end of the summer (the end of 'light'), and the beginning of the cold winter season (the beginning of the 'dark'). The ancient Celts believed that on this particular day, the boundaries between the living world and the death became thin, therefore allowing spirits to pass through. This October 31st is often called Samhain (Samuin), the festival of the death returned to earth. I admit that this is a bit spooky.

Skipping to the 800s, Christianity then influenced this Celtics beliefs. In the seventh century, Pope Boniface IV designated November 1 All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs ( Pope's purpose at the time is believed today as an attempt to replace the death festival of Samhain to a related All Saints Day (a church holiday). All Saints Day is often know as All Hallows Eve, or All Hallows Even... Shorten the Hallow-even, minus the 'v', and you get the word. And so, Halloween was born. Ta-Da!

What activities people often do in Halloween? Be Spooky... To be exact... Think of spooky themes, wearing spooky costumes, telling spooky stories to friends, watching horror movies, anything that made your spine is tingling. (0__0)

What foods are typical with Halloween? The most popular is caramel apples! Yumm... Love to have that one. Anyway caramel apples are made by rolling apples on caramels. The other foods that also popular are candy corns (a triangular candy, usually in 3 colours: white, orange, and yellow), pumpkin-based foods like pumpkin breads, or recently, cupcakes with spooky theme made icing sugar on top.

The one thing that is very popular among kids are trick or treating. Kids will go around houses, knocking on doors in spooky costumes, asking for some candies or even... Money?? Well this is new. I suppose in the old days Halloween's Treats does not include money... Maybe the 'trend' is evolving after all those years. People get bored with just accepting candies, and that after Halloween  parents must forced their children to go to dentist (which is 'spooky' and caused horror to some children). Maybe, I don't know. Cause I live in a world where there is no 'trick or treat?' every end of October, so, I don't really grasp that idea. I mean, my country is celebrating Halloween but it is not a popular festival. Only some people responded to it, and me? Well, I myself never go to a Halloween Party. Yes, a party, its the closest they can get to Halloween in my country. I'm not a party-til-u-drop kind of person anyway.

So, back to the topic, what does this trick or treat tradition mean? Treat obviously means candies, but what is the ‘trick’? Trick means a ‘threat’, that if the people inside the houses will not give candies, the kids (inside spooky costumes), will do mischievous things.

There are so many other things that you can do on Halloween... Despite of the fact that in my country there is no specific celebration (which is rather sad, because I'd love to see myself in spooky costumes, lets say, like, witch costume? That'd be cool...), Halloween is a festival and celebration for people in all range of ages, from kids to adults. 

Coming back to me, umm... I don't have anything up and special to do this Halloween. I don't do trick or treating like bunch of children does, I don't do gothical makeups and wearing spooky costumes, I don't carve those pumpkins as much as I love jack-o-lanterns (though I feel uneasy of the name Jack, you know... Jack The Ripper?), and I obviously not watching (and not going to) horror movies (cause I dislike horror genre movies that cause me nightmares and insomnia...). So what do I do, honestly? Hmm, today is just like an ordinary day for me... Going out with my family, having a chat, dinner, just spending my quality time together... I think that would be Hallowe-en-ough for me... :D

What about you? Have you had your spookiest Halloween ever?

Have a great Halloween Evening! ^__^

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Curious of Your Type of Personality? ? ?

Back home from a tiring day at campus... As always on Tuesday class, I got a finance class... Not my favorite subject, yet, I will try to love it. After all, finance was a major I'm interested in when I'm in high school. I think the quote "Learn to love what you do" will suffise... :)

Anyway, I'll take my time to write something about... No no, not finance... I'll write something about, say, psychology? Yes, I'll even babble about it... I love psychology. I think its great to learn personality to understand people better. From it, you can look into that person better, and understand why certain people act differently than others. Although I'm not majoring in the subject, I have an interest in it since I can remember, and even back then when I was a teen, psychology is one of my consideration subject to study in campus...^__^

The topic I would like to share today, is psychology from Myers-Briggs, which often known as MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). This type of psychological measure, was first founded by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types in 1921 (Source:; yeah, I know, I'm a wiki-junkie... ;P).

So, this nowadays is commonly used to assess the psychological traits and behaviors of people. Though some may be against this and claiming that this assessment is not presenting an accurate data, but MBTI is widely used because others claimed that this assessment is more reliable than any other psychological instruments. And, it's true. In my opinion at least. I have done the test before, and though I'd done it on the internet, which for some, there's a little 'problem' going on the internet, such as unreliable sources, or 'generalization' problem, you name it. Yet, I found the result of my test though not completely and 100 % represent me, but still its true.

If you wanted to know what your behavior or trait is, just have a test yourself here: . Honestly, I don't know how many of you have tried this test. You should be aware though that the test here are only references of who you are, and you should know too that the test may be more difficult for some people than others to interpret because it might have an implying meaning, so, just take your time to think it through yourself while you're filling the questionnaires.

Be sure after you take the test, take a look at your details of personality here: . Just click on your personality from that 16 categories, and voila! You've got... You!!


So, what is MBTI exactly? I will give you the brief explanation. MBTI consists of 16 types, which grouped into 4 opposite pairs, and these 4 are often called dichotomies (shown in the picture above). As you see, all of it are opposites of one another. Extraversion personality are opposites of Introversion personality,  therefore these two won't clash one another. Either you are an extraversion, or introversion dominant, it cannot be both. Yes, it is possible to have both traits which is a 50:50 balance, but most people have one dominant side inside him/her. The rest possess the same principle, Sensing vs iNtuitive, Thinking vs Feeling, and Judging vs Perceiving. It's how much dominant of one versus the other that rule your world.

Extraversion and Introversion are both called as attitudes. Extraverted persons often centered their behavior externally, and therefore they are getting their energy from 'outside'. Extraversion often leads to action oriented people, it also contains interactions with other people, and other things we do outside ourselves. 

On the opposite, Introversion people centered their power from their internal world. Introverted persons are thought oriented, and spend much of their time organizing and creating ideas inside their mind, introspecting and doing much reflection towards him/herself. What's importance is how much time you spent between those attitudes. If you feel you spent much more time and getting energy more from outside, you are an extraverted person. But if you feel drained of energy just after you have a social gathering or meeting other people, and to be alone is what made you gain energy, then you are an Introverted person.

The second one is how you perceive information that is given to you. The way people get their information is divided by two, again, these two are opposites one another. Sensing and iNtuition. Sensing people usually takes and process the information in a concrete fashion. They pay attention to physical reality, what is real in front of them, and what is happening in the present. They take action based on accurate details and facts, and they don't trust intuition in making decisions. Trusts experiences more than anything else. What's important for Sensing people are accurate data, not an 'approximately' or 'probably' type of data.

On the other hand, iNtuitive people trusts information from abstract possibilities, paying much more attention to impressions, meanings, and patterns of the information they get. They learn by thinking a problem through, not by experiences. They are also interested in new things and possibilities, so they think of the future more often than to dwell the past or even the present. Tend to see the big picture of problems rather than details, and trust intuition in taking actions. What's important for them is to see things from different views and the possibilities of new ideas.

The third one is how you make decisions. Thinking and Feeling. Whether you like to put more weight in objective, based on logics and reasons (Thinking); or based on value systems of what you believe to be right, in personal concerns and the people involved (Feeling). Thinking people are more influenced by logical explanations in making decisions. They are not easily influenced by people, how much they love or liked that person to come into a decision. A thinker usually made decisions based on principles, rational, and impersonal manner. They see predefined rules of behavior as the measurement of how to weigh a decision, to be fair and just.

Feeling persons are more subjective in making each decisions. They tend to see people as individuals who need to be considered, empathizing on the situation, and harmony oriented. They also often concerned of what is best for all the people involved, and cared for each of the people in the situation. They see their own values to make a decision.

Finally, the fourth is Judging and Perceiving. These two represents how you like to live your life, what others wanted to see. Judging is more of an orderly, structured and organized person. Perceiving is more of a flexible, spontaneous, and adaptable person. Judging people are more satisfied when they are in control of  their own life, by making schedules for example, while Perceiving people tend to do things open-ended,  always open for possibilities of new things that might be happening along the way.

Okay, that wraps my blog post for today... I tried to make a simple explanation of these personalities. Wanted to learn it further? These references for further readings might do you good:

Have fun! ^__^

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Movie Review: R.E.D

Another long week passed, and I'm at the end of the week... Why time rolled so fast? Its like running to catch up a train... As if Monday was only yesterday...

On this fine Saturday, as usual I do my 'routine'. Watching movies on cinemas. My family and I, we all love movies... By 'love', I meant we could watched just any movie which is being played in theaters. Regardless of genres (except horror and gory movies, I have a problem with nightmares after watching those genres...), plot, actors and actresses starred in it (although I despise Jen Aniston and therefore refused to watch her movies), not to mention the directors.

This sunny Saturday is not much different from the usuals. I went straight to cinemas in the mall located far south of the city, and queueing. I'm not having a particular movie I interested in the theaters (actually I was in a 'yeah-whatever-sort-of-mood'  today... For that matter I have my own reasons... I was hoping for "Hello Stranger" in Blitz and instead, I ended up in XXI).

R.E.D. Maybe you wonder what does that mean? If you've watched the movie you'll know what it means. No, its not a colour. Yes, its the colour of the movie poster, and yes, there is a RED colour stamped on the file in one of the scene, but no its not what that means. Thats what I thought too. At the first glance of the movie poster, I saw that red is the dominant colour, this is a Bruce Willis movie, and RED as the title... It soon came into my mind that this must be a very serious movie with all gory violence where blood splotched and spilled everywhere (and I said this because I haven't seen the trailer so I do not know what to expect... I did check on the ratings by the way... The ratings were good, surprisingly...)

Maybe that's why the beginning scene really surprised me... This is definitely NOT the type of movie I've previously predicted... With an addition of 'Summit Ent' logo and DC Comics logo in the beginning, I predicted this to be an independent movie (you know, Summit usually brought independent movies like Twilight, for example...) Yet it turns out my predictions all wrong!

This is definitely NOT and indie movie, NOT a 'serious' movie...I'm not saying this is a funny, cheap story with incompetent leading role film, but I don't expect it to be so 'funny' either... I mean, I get rid off  'funny' when it comes to Bruce Willis, because he's a hero in Die Hard series, and recently Surrogates... In both movies he played a complicated person with all its intrigues and conflicts, and I relate this to his character in each of the film he starred in. I thought old Bruce was the 'same old Bruce'... I was wrong. Entirely.

Bruce Willis is an ex-CIA agent named Frank Moses who has retired due to his age. In his retirement he was bored and unsatisfied with his present life. His boring and lonely days were filled by phone calls to a woman named Sarah, whom he called to complain about his missing retirement check. Frank and Sarah finally arranged to meet with each other after a series of phone calls, in which Frank is delighted about. But the night before he met Sarah, his house is raided with bullets by a bunch of hitmen. Knowing their obvious motive is to kill him, he set off to meet Sarah the following day as planned, only to finally held her captive in order to safe her life. He then seek out help from his friends, fellow CIA retirement Joe (Morgan Freeman), Victoria (Helen Mirren), and Marvin (John Malkovich). Together they tried to find the reasons why they are being targeted by killers. In their search for the truth, a young and ambitious CIA agent William Cooper, tried to bring in Frank and his colleagues and won't stop until he does.

This movie really surprised me with its good humour, an action movie packed with comedy. Think for a good first date movie? Well, this is for you. The story is light, funny, and the fighting scenes are not bad. Don't expect it to have a twist-ending, mind-boggling type of movie. As long as you came into the theaters with little expectations, this will be a good movie. The actors and actresses, well, need I say more? Bruce Willis no question is a top action movie star; Dame Helen Mirren who experienced more to drama genre than action, gave an extraordinary performance; Morgan Freeman also gave a great performance; but I think the scene stealer is John Malkovich who played a loony *slash* paranoid theorist which given LSD every day when he was in CIA. He was awesome and incredibly funny. There is not a single scene of him that didn't make me laugh. Even Mary-Louise Parker who played Sarah can brightened up the mood of the viewers every time she's onscreen.

The pace of the story is kept in moderate to fast speed. With a spark of humour now and then, and lots of toying with words, the script is well written. The chemistry between Willis and Parker is also 'cute' if I might add. They made a perfect couple in the movie, with Willis as Frank a badass secret agent, whereas in an opposite, the light-hearted Sarah. The story itself is well maintained and balanced throughout the movie. The actors and actresses are all given the perfect portion of their roles, when usually action movies are not emphasizing on characters and background stories.

Overall, this movie is a very entertaining, good humoured, filled with great casts (and also great performances), and basics of action movies including kicking and punching. This movie also made me realized that Dame Helen Mirren actually can do action movies, carry those big guns, threatening and plowing bad guys as though she has experienced it in her entire life. Two thumbs up for Robert Schwenke! I really enjoyed the movie, from the beginning to the part where the credits rolled...

The rating? Do I have to mention it? Hmm, 4.5 out of 5 stars...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Movie Review: Eat Pray Love (a.k.a Finding the Purpose of Life)

Ah, finally I got back to my blog after several occupying days... It's like going back home sitting on a couch. Sipping hot coffee... (Hmm, I'm not saying this out of coffee addiction, in fact I don't drink that stuff at all... ;P)

Anyway, last Sunday was movie night! I never planned to go to theater actually. Its just one of those days that happen so quickly and you don't realize you've made a spontaneous decision. That odd 'spontaneous' day with 'unusual spontaneous' me (yup, I'm usually a planner and an 'organizer' kind of person), finally ends with me inside a theater with my family, sitting somewhere on the side of F row... No popcorn, because I'm already full of the 'afternoon snacks' (if I can call it a snack; is xiao long bao a snack when its eaten in the cloudy afternoon?;D)

Okay, so I'm going to stop talking about my life and let's talk about Liz Gilbert's life...(FYI, that is the name of a living person who wrote the novel, and the one who Julia Roberts starred in...).

The story revolves around the life of Liz Gilbert, in her middle age who has a serious lack in motivation after a divorce and an unsuccessful relationship afterwards with some actor. While she was in Bali, she met a fortune-teller named Ketut Liyer who tells her that she will had two marriages in her life. She saw the Ketut's prophecy soon to come true and finally set off on a journey to three countries, after a desperation in almost every aspect of her life.

And she ate that Gellato. On the street. Of Italy!! Ahhh...

The three countries she planned to visit for a one-year-trip is Italy, India, and Bali. Well, practically Bali is not a country, its just a province in Indonesia, a small island which often called 'Pulau Dewata', in English that means 'Island of Heaven'...

In Italy, she spends most of the time eating eating and eating, which is absurd because no matter what she ate, and how much she ate it, she still as slim as a catwalk model... In some reasons it bugged me, made me envy her, some part of me saying, "maybe she has a problem of eating disorder". Okay, I admit I'm the devil to think of such an opinion... *sigh*

Anyway, there she was on the screen, eating so much I think her stomach would blown up, all kinds of Italian cuisine, started from mouthwatering bolognaise, to a portion of pizza (the perfect sizing for that pizza would be: large...). Guess I haven't mention that I... LOVE. ITALIAN. FOOD. So when it comes to the 'eating scene', I shrank into my seat, sighing to myself "When is this 'Wisata Kuliner' show would be over?"... For some who doesn't know what 'Wisata Kuliner' is, it is a show where someone - usually a guy named Bondan Winarno - eats to experience the culinary tastes of Indonesia (sometimes in other countries too, when you're lucky enough to catch the episode...). And because of this too, I called the Italy scene as 'The Food Network Scene'.

So, after I repeatedly heard a low rumble from my stomach and much craving in the Italiano, finally its over, replaced by a completely different scene. The next Chapter of the movie is India, where Liz found out about praying. I won't say much about this one, because I think that this part of the film are pretty boring and I have no interest of it. Really. Its the most dragging part, and unfortunately the weakest point of the film. It doesn't spark an interest in me, to the story, the characters here, I don't feel for them. That's all I have to say.

Finally it comes to the final place she visits. Its in Bali, of course. With all its beauty beaches and warm weather. Now, I'm going to tell my biggest secret, I am an Indonesian, and I have NEVER visited Bali in my entire life... (Not that my life was that long enough... But I think its enough to make people in Indonesia stared at me in disbelief... "WHAATT??"). Yes I admit that was riddiculous, right? I have visited other countries and I haven't visited Bali... The place where all tourists go to when they visited my country... Yeah...

Ehm, so, she visited Bali and found her true love, a guy whose in real life called Javier Bardem... ;P and they live happily ever after... The End...

No no, its not the end of my review... Okay enough bragging, here is what I think. The movie is good, in terms of camera angles. The views of Italy, India, and Bali are beautifully captured, make me feel like I was there beside Liz Gilbert, experiencing those sceneries. I am not a reader of the novel so I cannot compare the novel to the movie, but I think everyone would agree that comparing books to movies are unfair, because in the movie you only have two hours and a half to explain and visualize the book, so its not a point I'm going to make even if I had read the book. For information, the novel is a New York Times Bestseller, and you know what that means... Nothing in this movie has reached that close to perfection the novel brings. The feelings, and details... Its just unfair to compare it. Let's keep it at that.

From the movie, I got an interesting 'ride' since the beginning. As I said previously, the problem with this movie is the India scene which kind of boring and therefore I think it is the weakest point of the film. Another problem is the duration of the movie. Almost two and a half hour for a drama/romance movie is too long. Either you ended up drooling on the theater's seat, or you checked into your watch every five minutes or so. Some girls who sat beside me even laugh on intense scenes, maybe they found the movie is too dragging, and finally seek something funny inside those scenes.

Overall, I will give this movie a 2 star out of 5. Because I will certainly not watching it again, regardless of the great casts and performances... Christine Hakim everyone! Its great to see her back on screen, especially alongside Julia Roberts... d(*0*)b The second reason would be the morale of the story. Although the duration is too long, still the morale is stated clearly. A woman who tried to find the purpose in her life and in the end she finally gets it. To know the full story, just watched the movie yourself, and be ready for beautiful places and sceneries as you enjoy the 'ride'.  

As for the music, I found the music is very soft and alluring. Although the music is simple, with only piano solo in some of the scenes, I already in love with Dario Marianelli's work in Pride and Prejudice and Atonement, so, I'm going to say that he's still one of the BEST composer of all time.

Last but not least, Thank you for the director of this film, who has made Bali exposed all over the world as beautiful and warmth, by warmth I meant the people of course. And I do hope after seeing this movie everybody will come to Bali (which includes me for that matter ;D)

Okay okay, last word, Attraversiamo! ^__^

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Movie Review: Step Up 3-D

Recently in my country there is one movie which practically 'stunned' every single pair of eyes who watched it. Well, this is the movie. Step Up 3-D. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, whether you planned to see it on 3D or in 2D, it's your call. But I myself watched this movie in 3D a couple of days ago with some of my college friends. Since there is no 2D in the theater, we watched 3D instead. Aaanndd, it turned out to be...Not bad at all! (I meant the 3D, not the movie...The movie? I'll get to that later).

I am a huge fan of dance movies, and that I have watched some of it these past years and found it pretty interesting (since I cannot dance at all so I was stunned ad amazed by how they danced...). I've watched Take The Lead, Save The Last Dance, Center Stage 2, and Step Up for that matter. I skipped Step Up 2 the Streets due to very low ratings, Center Stage becauseI cannot find the DVD, and haven't got the time to watch Streetdance when it comes to theaters last few months.

Step Up 3-D is a sequel to Step Up (2006) and Step Up 2 The Streets (2008). Although its a sequel, do not be alarmed, the plot and story is completely different with different characters and different problems in each of the movies. 

The first one, Step Up (Starring Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan), tells a story about Tyler, a rebellious boy who loves to dance; and Nora, a ballet dancer who studied at Maryland School of the Arts and is struggling with her dance piece for her senior showcase. These two came from a very different families, and soon to be discovered fallen in love with each other, while at the same time they had to face a serious problem; Tyler's friends who felt abandoned, and Nora's strict mother who urges her to take another major at the univ.

The second one, (unfortunately I still didn't have time to watched it, or maybe rather reluctant to watch it since there are many unfavorable reviews...) the story is about a rebellious girl named Andie (Brianna Evigan) who's fighting to fit in the MSA, and then stumbled upon Chase (Robert Hoffman) to form a crew of classmate outcasts to compete in Baltimore's underground dance battle, The Streets (

The third one, Step Up 3-D, is the one that I'm going to discuss. The story itself still revolves around street dancing, much similar to the second one than the first one. In the first movie the plot still revolves around ballet dancing which then had a clash to street dancing, whereas in this movie, the main focus is ALL about street dance.

This is my Favorite part, The Second Dance Battle with splashing waters all over it...Very Cool!!

The story is quite similar with the previous, with slightly different plots, about struggling teens trying to find their place in the world. While in the previous one the focus is only in two characters (usually a girl and a boy), this one focuses on two male lead characters (one minor than the other), with two female characters. This movie takes place in New York, where the male lead character Luke (Rick Malambri), tried to save his 'headquarter' by entering a competition to win the money so he can pay the rent for the place. Then he met a girl named Natalie (Sharni Vinson) in whom he found an interest and she seemed not a very innocent girl at all when the secrets finally revealed. The two minor characters are Moose (Adam G. Sevani), and Camille (the name of the girl seemed familiar? Yes, Camille -played by Alyson Stoner- is the sister of Channing Tatum's character, Tyler, in Step Up). Then the four of them united together to form a dance group to battle against the best hip hop dancers in town to win the World Jam.

The movie is pretty much entertaining as much as the first one, with a great 3D experience (although most of the time the dance images seemed too 'sharp' and looked like it has been edited...). Well, at least you found that not all of the dance movies were converted to 3D, so its a new experience you got here. Yet the plot of the story is too simple, and has many holes and flaws (I won't mention the flaws here, because it will give away the plot and the whole story). And too much cliches in it. A girl meets boy, a boy meets girl, they both fall in love with each other, betrayals, teen friendship problems, you name it. If you hate cliche movies, be best to avoid this one. An additional of a predictable ending is not going to do you any good, too.

Yet the dance are awesome! Although I'm not a big fan of hip hop and street dancing, and I was not a dancer too, but still the dancers are sooo good! The way they move made me ask myself all the time, "Wow, you can do THAT with your body? Really??" I mean you'll know it at once that the dancers are experts and talented (and has spent years and years of practice...), from the way they move. Unfortunately, the lead characters, especially Rick Malambri and Sharni Vinson, are both not the main dancers on this movie, where they SHOULD have performed a larger portion of the dance.

Overall, I will give this one a grade of B-... Its about 3 out of 5 stars... The reason is because Adam G. Sevani did his part very well as a dancer and as a 'newcomer' in movie industry, and because as cliche as it were, it still entertains the audience with a great dance moves in it. My advice, well, I would recommend you to see it right away on theaters near you before its too late and you missed those great hip hop dances, though if you searched for a dance movie with a strong plot I would recommend the first Step Up than this one.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wishing Well...?

The last time I wrote this blog I have said that I would explain to you about the title of this blog, and the meaning behind it...Why do I choose this title?Where does this weird idea came from?

The first thing I would like say, that I do not have any clue of how to make a blog, not to mention the contents... I admit that I don't really give much time to think about the title. So when I first convinced myself to write a blog, I just searched on Google, and then I found this on the top of the search list. I just clicked it and then I realized that THIS site, is maintained by Google and that I already know it, recall its name from somewhere on my Marketing or Entrepreneurship text book (I'm currently having a major on Management in univ). 

Okay, back to the topic. I want to start a blog right away, so I was wondering and looking inside my head for a good title. Then I suddenly think of fairytales, Snow White to be exact. This is mainly because that Snow White is the first Disney Animation movie, which was released on 1937. I still enjoyed fairytales now, as much as I do when I was a little girl, and I grew up with them too. So thinking about fairytale at the first place is not such a bizarre thing... For me of course, I don't know about you. The fact that I love fairytales stories so much, I chose this title... But where does it came from? the wishing well?

Do you remember the song that Snow White sang in the movie? The title is "I'm Wishing..." if I'm not mistaken. In the movie, Snow White was singing this song in front of the Wishing Well, while occasionally tilted her head to the side and cup her ears, listening to the echo of her voice. That's the one scene that I remembered. Pretty odd I know.

After I made this blog, then I searched for a dozen templates to use. I love to 'experiment' with the templates and themes to use, so I started to searched later on Google. What have I found? No, I don't find templates, instead I stumble upon a list after list of  'blog titles'. "How to make a cool blog titles", "The Perfect Blog Title" all that stuff. I was curious so then I clicked one link, and then I was like, "Oh no I should've read this and not trying to be a smartass before I knew the stuff", and so in a dumb face I finally found out that some people do 'googling' before they write a blog, to figure out what title might be 'catchy' enough for someone to find their blog easily (is that a word? Catchy?).

But then I think of this, my blog title is not mentioning a particular thing, such as movies or novels or anything, which is a good start, since I was not ready to write anything inside my blog and I still don't know what I'm going to do with it. Whereas other people usually knew what they would put inside their blog and then they put up a title that mentioned the content of their blog, for example about business.

The second thing I mused at that time, was that since this blog is about the Wishing Well on the story of Snow White, it can contained many things and stuff that Snow White wants, whereas for me, the Wishing Well would be many things and stuff that I, want to WRITE... (-.-")

Plus the word 'Wish' and 'Well' give a positive meaning, and so I hope that this blog can spur positives to the ones who reads it. "Wishing YOU well"... (Okay, maybe this one is a bit unconvincing... ;P)

So this comes to an end of me, 'bragging' about my blog title... :)

Thanks for taking your time to read my entry, am hoping you enjoyed it...
'Til next time...!

Friday, October 15, 2010

First Day of Blogging

Well well, my first blog entry... What can I say? All I know is that I'm sitting down on the floor, eyes fixed on my notebook screen, minds wander in search for words, fingers tap dancing on the keys, and slightly numb feet for sitting in the same position far too long...

I never thought about blog much, not when I was 16, or 18, or even now... The reason why I started this was because, well... I think its time to share the stuff that I enjoyed. From the things that inspired me. Well I thought that THAT was the reason, pretty lame actually. I couldn't come up with another...

The thing is, I don't know about blogging... When I say I don't know, I mean I don't know it 'at all'... Some people share their life through it, yes. Some people share what they love to do. They pretty much know what to do when they started a blog.

As for me, I don't know what to write and put inside my blog, yet I just do it, maybe out of curiosity... I wonder what would it be like to have my own blog, because well, I enjoyed writing. And this writing hobby came from an activity called reading...

Since I was at the kindergarten, I love reading. Although if you saw me in that early age, you would see me clutching a little handbag full of books with pictures in it. Most of it I remembered now as fairytales stories, Disney books, all that jazz. As I got older, the pictures all started to vanish from the books I chose to read. Leaving only one words after another. I started to increase my book expense each month. Let's just say that I was enjoying reading so much that everytime I went out with my parents, bookstore is the only place I want to be. Seeing books inside the bookstore can make me feel joyful, even in times when I'm not really looking for a particular book to buy.

Okay, continuing with my hobby in writing, I love to write since I was in elementary school. I remembered it when I first received an assignment from the teacher to write down a story of my holiday. The memory is already fading because it happened years ago in this town, yet I still recall that inside, I feel an excitement toward the task. I write and I don't even look back to check the length of my assignment. By the time I was finished, it was this 3 pages full. At that time I realized that I love writing, and that I would write as much short stories as possible.

The short stories, I write them all in this little book, and then... The book is gone. Yes, its gone! Puff... I don't know where it vanished, all I know is at that time I was so upset to know that the book is gone, and that I cannot find it, and even not remember where I last hold it. Up until now I still feel some kind of regret for not putting it on the right place. Not because of the book, but its because of the ideas inside it, that if I have that book with me now, I would've read it over and over, and laugh after myself for telling such stories on my childhood. And now, I don't remember what kind of stories I put inside it so I don't know what my writing used to be on that early years.

Well, that is all about my writing and reading hobby. Writing makes me feel happy, and I will keep it that way for the rest of my life... Note that as much as I love writing stories, I do not like writing poems. I don't know but maybe I'm not the one that is chosen to that type of prose.

Here's to my first day of blogging! *clink*
I just hope that its not too much that it caused people fall asleep on their computer desk...

And I hope I'll be here again as soon as I found something interesting to write... (I think I haven't mentioned why I chose the name of the blog 'wishing well'... Later I suppose)

For the ones who have visited my blog, as 'accidentally' as you were, thank you for visiting here...^0^
Hope you are not get bored to read my writing...
'Til next time!