Sunday, September 25, 2011

Found a Bird Nest!

This week I found a bird's nest outside my house, with 5 cute little bird inside it... They are lovely and cute, and just started to grow feathers, they're veryyy small and tender, I think they would crushed as easy as I break a toothpick... Although, no, I had (of course) no intentions to hurt them, I'm an animal lover, especially birds... :)

These many years I've been now and then encounter a birdie, fell to the ground just outside my house, they fell from their nest, or sometimes they fell when they tried to fly... Yeah they learn to fly on their own, it's amazing!

Anyway, so, the last time I encounter a birdie, it fell from the nest- maybe the nest is located on top of the roof of my house, maybe, I don't know coz I don't see a nest nearby- it was starving because apparently the parents were not brave enough to come down and feed their kiddo... I stormed back to the house, fetch a little amount of rice, and feed the birdie... At first she refused, but then as I wait and wait, finally she gave up and eat it straight from my hand (yay!!). And her parents stood by on the roof, watching their kid fed (and maybe hoping that I won't hurt their child). A few days came along and the birdie started to learn to fly on her own, and one day, poof! she fled! :)

Ok, so this week I encounter a WHOLE NEST... There are 5 kids inside the nest... And, it sits atop my condenser of AC outside my house... apparently, their parents make the nest on the top of the tree then it fell down, so my father then put it in a safer place... They like it there, I think... Because the condenser tend to be warm especially when I turn my aircon on... And also, I think, they like to build the nest outside my house because they found many foods scattered on the grounds. I always threw away the rice, corns, and nuts my hamster won't eat every single day on the ground (my hamsters are very picky of the food, they only want to eat pellets, bread, and sunflower seeds, apart from that, no) so it's easier for them to find food.

Today I throw crumbs of biscuits because the birdies are finally out of the nest!!! They started to learn to fly, for a short distance though, it's heartwarming to see them learning to fly, from my sugar apple tree, to the mango tree, back and forth, resting in the process.. One of the birdie is still too young to fly apparently. She tried to follow her brothers and sisters but ultimately fail. So she just stay on the grounds, watching the others flutter happily. Don't worry though little kiddo, you'll fly in no time...

Here's the picture of the nest, the quality of the picture is poor, because, again, this time I used my iPhone... And some are using my sister's SLR for greater definition of the birds (hihi)...

maybe you can see the little birdie opens his mouth... AAAaa! :P

Those cute little eyes!! Now its my turn to scream... Aaaa!CUTE!

Aaaa!!Mommy this girl takes so many photos of me! Tell her to pay me some royalties!;P
Aren't they cute? Anyway, have a pleasant Sunday everyone! God bless... ^__^


JaneA said...

Oh my! I hope the little birds were safe! I'm glad you saved them.

Cha said...

Yes they are save now... :) The last morning I looked at the nest, and they've gone... I'm so happy to see they finally can fly! :D