Thursday, April 7, 2011

Exhausting April

This April, all due dates, all assignments, all studies...

No refreshing, no pampering myself, no drawing, no dilly-dallying, no cooking, no playing around, no nap, no watching TV, no, NO TIME!

All I can see is a 'no', all I cannot see is 'yes', 'hoorah', 'hoopla', 'yay', and whatever words you might use when you're happy...

Yes, I'm not happy, so much to do, so little time, so far it's not going so well... I'm confused of what to do first, and then I have no idea what I'm doing, plus its all jumbled up inside my brain and start to make me itch, 'Should I do this first?', 'no,no', 'should I do that?', 'naah', 'what am I going to do with this?', 'How am I suppose to do this?', 'Oh gosh I panicked!'

And then, the worst thing that can happen today is... My laptop keyboard seemed to not cooperating well... (Although you might not see it here, cause I typed just fine, but I'm actually struggling to press the "C"... Dunno why the "C" key is rather jammed or something, and it was fine this morning... Think its hard for me to spell my name now... It will spelled "Ha" instead of "Cha" and I feel like The Joker from The Dark Knight right now... "Ha" "Ha "Ha")

Oh, the only one thing that is going well is my thesis proposal... is accepted today... Yay... (Even the 'yay' is not convincing...)

Anyway, I'm bak, sorry exuse me, I'm baCk to work now...